• Legal advice on the set up and regulatory accreditation for fintechs operating in various segments of the industry, such as: regulated credit fintechs (direct credit companies (sociedades de crédito direto) and peer to peer landing companies (sociedades de empréstimo entre pessoas)), investment fintechs (online brokers, robo-adviser, investment managers and advisers), payment fintechs (e-payment and payment arrangements), foreign exchange facilitators, digital banks, securitization companies and cryptocurrency issuers;
  • Full assistance on corporate, tax and regulatory matters (Bacen, CVM, Susep and Anbima);
  • Structuring of financial products and payment services with digital platforms and similar technologies;
  • Full support on demands related to the National Financial System (SFN), Brazilian Payment System (SPB), Instant Payments and Open Banking;
  • Structuring of capital markets funding transactions of fintechs (Receivables Funds – FIDC, debentures, Banking Credit Note – CCBs and other bonds);
  • Active participation in M&A transactions and investment rounds of financial institutions, fintechs and other regulated entities, taking part of the legal due diligence and assisting on the negotiation of the relevant agreements;
  • Providing solutions for the most diverse advisory demands, such as the drafting of specialized contracts, addressing day-to-day demands of the clients and responding requisitions of regulatory entities.