Financial and Capital Markets
- Legal advice on the analysis, development and implementation of structured financial transactions for private sector companies, banks, broker-dealers and insurance companies, including investment and financing transactions;
- Legal advice on securities transactions, including equity and debt offerings, block-trades and tender offers;
- Assistance to asset managers, fund administrators, investment consultants, professional investors, family offices and service providers in the fund industry;
- Legal assistance in the set-up of investment funds and the development of management and distribution arrangements in the domestic and international markets;
- Set-up of special investment fund vehicles, such as Fundos de Investimento em Participações (local private equity funds), Fundos de Investmento em Empresas Emergentes (local emerging enterprises funds), Fundos de Investimento Imobilário (local real estate funds) and offshore funds, including hedge funds and private equity funds;
- Assistance with securitization transactions in multiple industry sectors, including the structuring of Fundos de Investimento em Direitos Creditórios (local securitization funds), Debentures, Cédulas de Crédito Bancário (bank credit notes), Certificados de Recebíveis Imobiliários (real estate receivables certificate) and Contratos de Investimento Coletivo (collective investment contracts);
- Legal advice on agribusiness transactions, backed by Cédulas de Produto Rural (rural commodity note), Certificados de Depósito Agropecuário (agribusiness certificates of deposits), Warrants Agropecuário (agribusiness warrants), Letras de Crédito do Agronegócio (agribusiness credit bill), Certificados de Recebíveis do Agronegócio (agribusiness receivables certificate) and Certificados de Direito Creditório do Agronegócio (agribusiness receivables certificate);
- Assistance with investment arrangements involving foreign investments in the domestic financial and capital markets, and Brazilian investments in the international financial markets;
- Structuring of project finance transactions in several industry sectors;
- Structuring and reviewing of banking transactions and products, related to corporate loans, trade financing, OTC derivatives, etc;
- Legal advice to market players on Brazilian Central Bank and Securities Commission regulatory issues;
- Legal representation of clients in administrative and court disputes involving financial entities, asset managers, broker-dealers, companies and professional investors; and
- Legal advice on the organization and operational planning of financial entities, asset managers, broker-dealers, and other related companies.